Did you know we stock brands from local businesses both in the Playhub and on our website.
We have been featuring these brands over on our Instagram page @playhub.shop - take a look and follow for our latest product launches, early years expertise and play set ups.

Our spotlight brand for this blog is Peek a Boo Castings, this brand is from one of our team members at the Playhub, the lovely Jemma.
So we had a sit down and a chat about how she started and what she loves about her business.
Can you tell us a bit about your business, how did it all begin, what inspired you to start, and what keeps you motivated?
My journey began when I was made redundant from a sales job I had for 10 years. At the time I had my little boy and wanted a job I could work around him.
I had always been creative and wanted to run my own business. Baby number two came along and I bought a a 3D casting kit to take my baby girls hand and foot.
It came out fantastic and I was hooked. Â
After lots of searching I found a lovely lady who trained in 3D castings and keepsake jewellery.
We instantly connected and within weeks I had my little girl with me in a sling being my model, totally out of my comfort zone, on an intensive training course to set up my business.
It sure was full on!Â
How did you choose the name of your business?
I was searching for ages to think of a name and a good friend of mine Emma was brainstorming lots of names and she said Peek a Boo and it just stuck. So Peek a Boo Castings was formed.Â
Are there any specific products or services that your customers love the most?

I think my most popular service is a hand and foot casting.
So many parents I see always say how quickly the little ones grow.
It really is such a special keep sake to treasure.
Every crease and wrinkly shows up on a 3D casting.Â
What have been some of the biggest challenges you've faced in running your own business, and how did you overcome them? I think the biggest challenges while running a business is juggling work load.
I am secretary, accounts, social media, the list goes on.
Mum life is hectic, I get so much pleasure making beautiful keepsakes for my customers but it takes time and lots of patience to make them perfect.
You have to have a nice quiet space away from children to get in the zone.
So I make sure I give myself time to do these delicate jobs while Children are at school
What's next for your business, do you have any exciting projects or goals for the future?

I have loved being able to expand the business when I purchased my kiln for my pottery.
3D castings are expensive and this service isn’t available to all parents.
So being able to take beautiful prints and transforming them onto mugs, coasters for keepsake gifts are amazing.Â
It’s been so lovely to organise adult pottery painting sessions at Be Weird Be Wild, a few hours for people to enjoy some down time to get creative and be away from screens.
We always have some fantastic creations.Â

In the new year I would like to work on more of the pottery, kids pottery painting parties have become popular so this is next on my to do list to advertise and grow.Â
So watch this space, thank you for taking the time to read my journey.
Jemma x
Why not join Peekaboo castings at one of our upcoming events.