Did you enter our competition on our socials this week?
Congratulations to Jenefer_brooks on Instagram
You have won
a space on the next block of baby play sessions and a £10 gift card to use at the playhub.
This newly added session has proved a popular addition to our playhub timetable, focused on learning through exploration, this session is just for our youngest customers.
Being on maternity leave can bring on a whole new set of challenges and anxieties, sometimes all it takes is to voice that with someone who is also sharing those same anxieties and challenges for them to become more manageable.
Our last block of baby play sessions ended with all the parents creating a WhatsApp group, I hope that it will continue to flourish and give that much needed support.
This mental heath awareness week I really want us to reframe the picture....
What have you done all day?
Nothing. I replied.
The house is a mess.
The washing piled high.
I am a failure.
Reframe the picture ….
What have you done all day?
I kept my baby safe.
I watched as they explored this new world.
They slept peacefully in my arms feeling my love and warmth.
Today we grew.
Today we learnt.
Today we explored.
and we will do it all again tomorrow.....
If you are the parent of a little person under one and would like to come along to a baby play session - book your space on the next block - starting on Monday 5th June